Bug Spotter
Bugs happen, typos happen, missing parts happen... and when they do it is a good business practice to give your customers an easy way to tell you about these problems. Keep these important items documented and readily available to for your product team to "swat" them while they are small problems to avoid having them morph into big problems.
Organize the bugs into multiple segments to differentiate and prioritize.
Retain the history of the bugs to refer back to as needed.
Reward Badges
Thank and encourage your most active bug spotters with custom status badges and "blue ribbon" status.
Bug Status Meter
Graphically communicate the status of each bug submission.
Admin & Sub-Admin Control
Moderate the discussion and keep the idea flowing.
Unlimited Sites
As with all our systems, you can use it on all your websites and brand each one to fit.
Easy Management
1 click updates make changing the current status a breeze. Easily move from one website module to another with a simple click of a tab.
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Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST